This past week I have made several updates to the website which hopefully everyone will notice.
Visual Bible Verse
I added a plugin that will show you a different visual bible vers every day. I really wanted to have daily verses on my website, and I decided to go with this plugin because of its beautiful pictures. They try to relate each verse to an image and every day you come back you will find something new.
Prayer List
I added a prayer list. Here you can post asking for people to pray for your situation. This is a great way to work together as Christians to get our prayers heard. I really like the setup of it. Anyone can post pending approval (JIC). Once approved people can see the prayer and click a button to show that they are praying for you.
Made the whole site SSL
There wasn’t a huge need for SSL on my site but, I decided it’s best to plan ahead and get that done now rather than having to deal with it later.
Donations page
I added a donations page. I am not looking to get rich by making this site and I am not doing it for my own fame. However, I would like to be able to make enough money to cover the hosting and other expenses.
More updates to come.