Training others on church recording, Not Optional!

As I have stated before I recently started this project myself for our church. Being that our project is young and I am trying to push forward with something basically alone. I do have the support of people in the congregation and that is something you must have to be successful in this type of project but I don’t have anyone who is currently helping with the recording. I am not complaining about that, I don’t mind doing it alone. Unfortunately, I recently came into a situation where I could not make it to the service and so at that point who records?

Finding the right person

  1. Reliable – The person needs to be at least reasonably reliable. They don’t need to attend every service, but if there is a service you need them to attend, you want to make sure they show up.
  2. Technical – The person needs to be at least somewhat technical. Obviously they need to be able to learn and work your setup. If you go on vacation you want them to be able to load the video to whatever site. These are usually pretty easy tasks these days but still, need to make sure the person is up to it.
  3. Non-Relative – You want to make sure you are choosing someone who is not related to you. The reason I recently missed a service is that my son had a school performance on the same day. If I had shown my wife how to do it, we still would have been in the same situation.
  4. Power In Numbers – It doesn’t need to be one person helping you. Maybe you don’t need people helping you all the time (and they might like that), but training a few extra people to do it is a good idea just in case. Also as your setup grows over the years it would be good to have people to help you when you cant do it all on your own.
  5. Include Church Youth – I would advise against a young person being your only backup, but including them is great. It will help to get them involved in the church which is something we should always encourage. I might also help them with some training in a field they might be interested in as it grows. You may even have a person to take over when you are no longer interested.
  6. Include people with authority – This is not necessary, but if possible a good idea. Someone on the church council or something who can learn the ropes so that everyone knows the amount of work you are actually putting into this. (It’s not pushing a button and walking away…)


Training Tips

  1. Choose the right people – (See the left side of the page.)
  2. Stick to one on one training – Don’t waste time trying to teach a group of people at once by explaining to them how it works. This is just ineffective. (1)
  3. Don’t take yourself too seriously – Mistakes will happen. Just roll with it. If you are doing TV productions this might not be the case, but for the most part, there is no reason to get upset. (Even something as large as not hitting the record button. Stuff Happens!)
  4. Let your trainees do the recordings – Let new people try out recording. It might not be perfect, but that’s ok. (see tip 3) (1)
  5. Help them retain it – Not everything is like riding a bicycle. Ask them to record every other week or something to keep it fresh in their brains. This will also give you a break to avoid burn out.(1)
  6. Familiarize yourself with how to train people – Read a book or go online and do some research. You can never learn to much. I started here and took some of these steps from this article.


  1. Sharp, C. (2018, March 13). Effective training tips that employees will actually care about. Turbine.

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